Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waste and Pollution is Not the Solution

Waste. Waste. Waste. Trash. Garbage. More waste. You see it everywhere you go. On floors, streets, lawns, trees, parks. Why is it everywhere except for in trash bins or landfills? The beautiful earth that God created for us is being covered by garbage because of our carelessness.
One of the biggest problems we are facing today is that we are running out of room to put our trash and waste. The number of landfills has decreased greatly over recent years in hopes that more people will join in the "green movement" and become more environmentally sound, but unfortunately the amount of overall trash has not decreased. And as for the landfills that are left, well, they are bigger than the ones that were closed down. I don't know about you, but I don't think that makes very much sense.
Since people do not always recycle or biodegradable products, it does not help with our problem of not having any place to put more trash. Products such as styrofoam, plastic, and milk cartons are not biodegradable, so they will never break down with natural decomposition in a landfill. Even worse, styrofoam, milk cartons, and some plastic bottles, like hair care products, can't be recycled. So we might have to end up living in outer space just like in the movie Wall-E because soon the Earth really will be covered in trash.

-Janna (#2)


  1. I agree with you Janna. It does not make sense that landfills are decreasing. I do, however, like that more products are becoming more aware of the "going green" movement. I like the fact that companies are making their products biodegradable. Sunchips, for example, is a company that just introduced their new bidegradable bags. Their bags can be put in soil and over a period of time a plant will be produced from the Sunchip bag. I think more companies should invest in biodegradable bags. I also hope we do not end up moving to outerspace, like in the movie Wall-e (Lol). I think it is really important for major companies to pitch in and help save God's creation, the Earth.

  2. Great post Janna. I loved the movie Wall-E, and if we continue using non biodegrable resources like styrofoam and plastic we might just place Earth in the very state as it was in Wall-E (although hopefully not.) PErhaps in the future, such synthetic substances like plastic will just be a thing of the past. I belive scientists should try and formulate new products that are compeltely biodegradable, instead of just throwing away cheap materials that may take years to compeltely decompose in the landfills, some may not even fully decompose at all!

  3. I completely agree, the amount of trash we produce is horrible. But no one ever thinks that just by throwing one piece of trash out of the car window, or not recycling wont make a difference. Its sad to say, but it does. Everyone thinks the same way, believing that one little act of littering that they committ wont hamr anyone. Its true, ONE piece of litter wont do much, but if everyone contributes, thats where the problem comes in. There should be some kind of way where people could understand what littering is really doing to the environment. If more people understood the situation, there might bbe less of a problem.

  4. Waste and pollution ARE not the solution. Again, grammar is an issue – subject/verb agreement. Again, do not always recycle or [use] biodegradable products. PROOF!
