Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ocean Pollution

Pollution in the ocean has become a major problem over the last few years. Pollution not only affects the ocean water, but it affects the plant and animal life in the ocean as well.
There are many different types of ways in which people pollute the oceans, but the main two are wastes and oil spills. Many people throw waste, such as bottles, cans, paper, bags, etc., into the ocean everyday. This garbage that is dumped into the ocean can take more than ten years to decompose. Many of the items that are dumped into the ocean are harmful to the ocean life. The plastic rings around the cans of beverages are extremely harmful to ocean life. Many animals, such as dolphins, can get stuck in one of the plastic rings. This causes the animal to suffocate and die.
Oil spills are also a large part of ocean pollution. Oil spills can be caused by ships, boats, or drilling close to the shorelines. About 706 million gallons of oil spill into the ocean every year. These oil spills contaminate the water, which results in the death of thousands of animals and plants. It also takes a very long time and a lot of money to clean up the oil that spilled into the ocean.
There are many things people can do to prevent ocean pollution. We can become more aware of where our waste and garbage goes. We can also be more aware that oceanic life, like every life, was created by God. It is our right and responsibility to take care of everything that God gave us. By taking action and becoming more aware of oceanic pollution, we can become stewards of the ocean, save millions of animals and plants, and make the ocean a cleaner, safer, and better place.

Kaitlin Torres (#5)


  1. I think that it is so terrible how what we do on land affects all the animals in the ocean. I mean how insane is that?! We already make it bad for the animals on land, I think that is bad enough. And oil spills are terrible, if you checked out the recent oil spill in the guld you can really see how much water it covers and how fast it spreads because it doesn't mix with water. It is so sad that the fishermen in that area won't be able to do their jobs because of someone else's careless mistake.

  2. I feel horrible that this is happening in the ocean. No one expects that what they do on land can negatively effect the ocean and the life within the ocean. In addition, as Janna said, the latest oil spill was devestating. The spill occurred last week and they are still having trouble cleaning it! It is important that we think first of God and his creation before we contaminate our oceans.

  3. Ocean pollution is one of the worst types of pollution imaginable. Just think of all the uses humans utilize the ocean for: travel, food production, and even just to spend our leisure time in. Unfortunately, I've witnessed the mass amounts of ocean pollution just visiting local beaches, it is disgusting. I guess that's why people love to travel to remote islands to get away from it all, the less people, the less pollution, more beautiful.
