Sunday, May 2, 2010


It seems everyone now is “going green.” From famous celebrities to big business companies and even the lives of the average citizen, this generations’ focus is steadily growing towards the environment. Simple things such as recycling, separating paper from plastic, things we now see as customary were once strange and new. With the advent of new technological advantages such as hybrid cars and solar powered energy systems, the greening of the world is at a steady rise. These events pose the question: why are people so interesting in being environmentally friendly? Perhaps they genuinely care about the environment and the future for their kids and generations to come. Or maybe there’s a deeper meaning, Earth, one of God’s greatest creations, it’s one of the few things we can hold on to in our lives. “Going Green” is all about saving Earth, one of the greatest gifts given to humanity. In this blog, we will give everyone tips on how they can to their part to help green the Earth while being one of God’s stewards.

-KC (post #1)


  1. I am very supportive of the latest "green movement." I'm motivated by both the incentive to protect the environment for future generatons and to act as a steward of God. It is great to see that so many people want to help, especially celebrities and large coorperations who encourage other people to help preserve their environment. Good job KC! :)

  2. Whether people want to protect and save the Earth or want to be a steward of God are both good motives to go green. But either way in the long run it will help everyone in the end. I think it's great that so many people are going green now. It sends a posivitve message, which is greatly needed in a time when people are having troubles in life.

  3. Going green has really swept the media. I think it's a great movement that can really impact the Earth and help improve it for future generations. Going green is a great way communities can come together and get involved. It is also nice to see the media and celebrities promoting such a positive thing. I think that if everyone went green, even in a little way, it can help improve the Earth and help people become stewards of God's creation.

  4. Read your comments and blogs before posting; good grammar is essential.
