Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Something’s in the Air

Pollution [puh-loo-shuhn] - the introduction of harmful gases into the environment

To be more specific, air pollution occurs when hazardous greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere via cars, planes, factories, power plants, etc. Air pollution is something we are all aware of, but something we may not understand completely. Everyone knows that things like recycling and hybrid cars are environmentally sound. Why, though is there a need for these things? This is a question that we need to investigate. With knowledge, people can begin to make an effort to reverse the effects of pollution. Next, we obviously need to understand exactly what effects we are reversing.

Air pollution is harmful for both the environment and our personal health. The obvious effects of air pollution are those that deal with the environment. As I mentioned before, global warming is in part an effect of years and years of pollution. The greenhouse gases that are released from our own cars, airplanes, and factories, for example, are causing this condition. This in turn has negatively affected not only the environment, but our health and safety. There has been research over recent decades that suggest some shocking health hazards about pollution. For example, the World Health Association suggests that nearly 2 million premature deaths are caused each year by air pollution. Another, German study, offers that people who are exposed to traffic often are at a greater risk of hardening of the arteries, a condition associated with heart attacks. Even when exercising, people can put themselves at risk because of pollution. This was affirmed in a Scottish study that found that if people jog around traffic it results in reduced blood flow to the heart. In people who have stable heart disease, this can trigger a heart attack.

These facts are unsettling to say the least. Thankfully, experts have offered ways to keep our selves safe from the dangers of air pollution.

Stay indoors as much as possible to avoid toxins.
If you must go outside do so in the early morning or after sunset.
When you are around an increased amount of pollution, try not to exert yourself for doing so will bring more of the toxins into your body.

If being a hermit would no longer like to see the light of day does not work for you, join the club! This is why so many people have been “going green.” Imagine a childhood without recess, a high school without sports, a summer without tanning. These are the things we will be sacrificing if air pollution continues to destroy our environment.

-Marisa (#3)


  1. I was very shocked after I read this post. I could not believe all the studies and the results that were found because of air pollution. This shows how much we can negatively affect our planet. Fortunately, thanks to the going green movement, we can positively change our planet for our lives and the lives of future generations. I think air pollution is a major problem. Hybrid cars are becoming a big improvement to decrease this problem. Hopefully, in the years to come, we will figure out other ways to reduce air pollution. I would never want to imagine a day where it is very dangerous to go outside just because of air pollution.

  2. Wow that's crazy. I knew that the problem with air pollution was something to be worried about, but I didn't think it was that bad. If they have all those studies that show the negative effects of what cars, power plants, and even air places do to out planet, then they should regulate the carbon footprints some more. Espicially if it's so hazardous to our health. But thank heavens that the going green movement is helping people see that hybrid cars aren't just super cool future cars, but that they are cars that will in the long run leave a smaller carbon footprint, and help the overall health of all living things on earth.

  3. Wow, I didn't know air pollution cause that much death in the world. For organizations to preach not going outdoors is terrible. Everyone should have the right to access fresh air. Being told to stay in doors is something I would never want to here, esepecially just because of the waste produced by us humans. I hope companies and people a like will pitch in and try and stop emitting all these toxins.
