Sunday, May 9, 2010


Over the past few years, more and more technology has begun to focus on the environment. It is common that even our household appliances are starting to become more energy efficient. These are not the only products that are going green, however. The term environmental technology, often called “greentech,” refers to the application of environmental science to conserve the Earth’s natural resources. The most common forms of greentech are recycling, air and water purification, sewage treatment, solid waste management, and renewable energy.

Specific examples of greentech are all around us. One of the most common examples is hybrid cars. These new environmentally sound vehicles run on a both an electric motor and a separate gasoline engine. This helps by saving energy and consuming as releasing less gas into the environment. Another greentech production is green building. This is an evolving field that involves the creation of buildings with natural materials. In addition to making the building with these materials, builders search for locations that would be more apt for their building and for the environment.

These are just two examples of environmental technology, the application of science to conserve our resources. Environmental technology is a great example of how science and God can go hand- in-hand. By using our knowledge of the earth we have through science, we can help protect God’s creation. If we continue this effort, we can make an incredible impact on the environment.

-Marisa (#8)

Companies Going Green

Companies all over the globe seem to be doing heir part in going green. From water bottle companies like Poland Springs to even banks like Bank of America everyone seems to be doing their part in greening the Earth. Poland Springs for example reduced their use of plastic by about 30% with their eco-friendly bottles. Bank of America is said to be cutting down 32% on their paper usage, despite consumer growth by up to 25%. Not only do companies save money by going green, but it also helps the environment.

Hopefully other companies will follow suit and try and change their products. If all banks could use less paper and resources our carbon footprint would diminish greatly. Beverage companies and any other corporation that uses plastic devices should try their best to better utilize these harmful resources.

For more companies going green visit this site. Perhaps people will be more inclined to use products knowing the company is going green.

-Kc (#7)

Green Fashion and Trends

It's no fashion week secret that the latest trend right now is anything eco-friendly. From canvas bags, and organic materials in clothing to making a new skirt from an old t-shirt and sneakers made from reused materials, everything that's in style right now is eco-friendly.
Canvas bags are a huge trend right now. It's known at supermarkets that if you bring your own bags with you, you can get a few bucks off your total; but that's not the only benefit. The fact that by bringing your own bags will help stop the useless distribution of more plastic bags to litter the earth.
The thought of wearing shoes made from recycled materials may not be the most appealing, but it's totaly safe, comfy and deffinately stylish. One company that specializes in organic shoes is, Simple Shoes. Their shoes are made of materials such as; car tires, organic cotton, recycled plastics, bamboo, recycled carpet padding, coconut, cork, and even 100% recycled consumer paper. Their motto is, "Simple. Shoes for a Happy Planet." To check out more on these shoes you can visit their website at, .
How big is this green fashion trend? Well this past January, New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study held an "Eco-Fashion Week". The week included events such as, “Eco Chic: Art Representation & Green Living,” a panel discussion; “Working with Sustainable Materials,” a fashion workshop; and “Haute Eco-uture” a fashion show featuring designs by Gallatin students and alumni.

Janna (#6)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ocean Pollution

Pollution in the ocean has become a major problem over the last few years. Pollution not only affects the ocean water, but it affects the plant and animal life in the ocean as well.
There are many different types of ways in which people pollute the oceans, but the main two are wastes and oil spills. Many people throw waste, such as bottles, cans, paper, bags, etc., into the ocean everyday. This garbage that is dumped into the ocean can take more than ten years to decompose. Many of the items that are dumped into the ocean are harmful to the ocean life. The plastic rings around the cans of beverages are extremely harmful to ocean life. Many animals, such as dolphins, can get stuck in one of the plastic rings. This causes the animal to suffocate and die.
Oil spills are also a large part of ocean pollution. Oil spills can be caused by ships, boats, or drilling close to the shorelines. About 706 million gallons of oil spill into the ocean every year. These oil spills contaminate the water, which results in the death of thousands of animals and plants. It also takes a very long time and a lot of money to clean up the oil that spilled into the ocean.
There are many things people can do to prevent ocean pollution. We can become more aware of where our waste and garbage goes. We can also be more aware that oceanic life, like every life, was created by God. It is our right and responsibility to take care of everything that God gave us. By taking action and becoming more aware of oceanic pollution, we can become stewards of the ocean, save millions of animals and plants, and make the ocean a cleaner, safer, and better place.

Kaitlin Torres (#5)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebrities Going Green

“Going Green” is the new, popular trend throughout the media world. Some of Hollywood's hottest stars, such as Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio, are promoting ways in which people can help the Earth and “go green”.
Cameron Diaz is a big supporter of the “Go Green” movement. In an issue of Marie Claire Magazine, Cameron Diaz reveals that she is doing a movie/documentary on the state of the Earth. She is very concerned about the planet, and wants people to be more aware of all the ways in which we can help better, or “green” our Earth. She makes it clear that we should be aware that our resources, such as water, plants, soil, etc., are running out on us. In an interview, she encourages people, children, to become more active in helping green our planet. She also took part in a donation of old shoes that were sent to become recycled material.
Leonardo DiCaprio is another celebrity that promotes the “Go Green” movement. He is apart of a documentary about global warming, and encouraged other celebrity to show up at the 2007 Oscars in hybrid vehicles. He also is producing a television series called “E-topia”. This show will renovate a city into a environmentally friendly place. DiCaprio also lives in an entirely greened out house.
Many other celebrities support the “Go Green” movement that has swept the nation. Celebrities going green is a positive thing that can have a huge impact on the Earth. When fans see that their favorite celebrities are going green, they are more likely to go green, too. They are encouraged to follow in their favorite celebrities footsteps, just like Christians are encouraged to follow in Jesus' footsteps. Greening the Earth can help better our planet for future generations.

Kaitlin Torres (#4)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Something’s in the Air

Pollution [puh-loo-shuhn] - the introduction of harmful gases into the environment

To be more specific, air pollution occurs when hazardous greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere via cars, planes, factories, power plants, etc. Air pollution is something we are all aware of, but something we may not understand completely. Everyone knows that things like recycling and hybrid cars are environmentally sound. Why, though is there a need for these things? This is a question that we need to investigate. With knowledge, people can begin to make an effort to reverse the effects of pollution. Next, we obviously need to understand exactly what effects we are reversing.

Air pollution is harmful for both the environment and our personal health. The obvious effects of air pollution are those that deal with the environment. As I mentioned before, global warming is in part an effect of years and years of pollution. The greenhouse gases that are released from our own cars, airplanes, and factories, for example, are causing this condition. This in turn has negatively affected not only the environment, but our health and safety. There has been research over recent decades that suggest some shocking health hazards about pollution. For example, the World Health Association suggests that nearly 2 million premature deaths are caused each year by air pollution. Another, German study, offers that people who are exposed to traffic often are at a greater risk of hardening of the arteries, a condition associated with heart attacks. Even when exercising, people can put themselves at risk because of pollution. This was affirmed in a Scottish study that found that if people jog around traffic it results in reduced blood flow to the heart. In people who have stable heart disease, this can trigger a heart attack.

These facts are unsettling to say the least. Thankfully, experts have offered ways to keep our selves safe from the dangers of air pollution.

Stay indoors as much as possible to avoid toxins.
If you must go outside do so in the early morning or after sunset.
When you are around an increased amount of pollution, try not to exert yourself for doing so will bring more of the toxins into your body.

If being a hermit would no longer like to see the light of day does not work for you, join the club! This is why so many people have been “going green.” Imagine a childhood without recess, a high school without sports, a summer without tanning. These are the things we will be sacrificing if air pollution continues to destroy our environment.

-Marisa (#3)

Waste and Pollution is Not the Solution

Waste. Waste. Waste. Trash. Garbage. More waste. You see it everywhere you go. On floors, streets, lawns, trees, parks. Why is it everywhere except for in trash bins or landfills? The beautiful earth that God created for us is being covered by garbage because of our carelessness.
One of the biggest problems we are facing today is that we are running out of room to put our trash and waste. The number of landfills has decreased greatly over recent years in hopes that more people will join in the "green movement" and become more environmentally sound, but unfortunately the amount of overall trash has not decreased. And as for the landfills that are left, well, they are bigger than the ones that were closed down. I don't know about you, but I don't think that makes very much sense.
Since people do not always recycle or biodegradable products, it does not help with our problem of not having any place to put more trash. Products such as styrofoam, plastic, and milk cartons are not biodegradable, so they will never break down with natural decomposition in a landfill. Even worse, styrofoam, milk cartons, and some plastic bottles, like hair care products, can't be recycled. So we might have to end up living in outer space just like in the movie Wall-E because soon the Earth really will be covered in trash.

-Janna (#2)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


It seems everyone now is “going green.” From famous celebrities to big business companies and even the lives of the average citizen, this generations’ focus is steadily growing towards the environment. Simple things such as recycling, separating paper from plastic, things we now see as customary were once strange and new. With the advent of new technological advantages such as hybrid cars and solar powered energy systems, the greening of the world is at a steady rise. These events pose the question: why are people so interesting in being environmentally friendly? Perhaps they genuinely care about the environment and the future for their kids and generations to come. Or maybe there’s a deeper meaning, Earth, one of God’s greatest creations, it’s one of the few things we can hold on to in our lives. “Going Green” is all about saving Earth, one of the greatest gifts given to humanity. In this blog, we will give everyone tips on how they can to their part to help green the Earth while being one of God’s stewards.

-KC (post #1)