Sunday, May 9, 2010


Over the past few years, more and more technology has begun to focus on the environment. It is common that even our household appliances are starting to become more energy efficient. These are not the only products that are going green, however. The term environmental technology, often called “greentech,” refers to the application of environmental science to conserve the Earth’s natural resources. The most common forms of greentech are recycling, air and water purification, sewage treatment, solid waste management, and renewable energy.

Specific examples of greentech are all around us. One of the most common examples is hybrid cars. These new environmentally sound vehicles run on a both an electric motor and a separate gasoline engine. This helps by saving energy and consuming as releasing less gas into the environment. Another greentech production is green building. This is an evolving field that involves the creation of buildings with natural materials. In addition to making the building with these materials, builders search for locations that would be more apt for their building and for the environment.

These are just two examples of environmental technology, the application of science to conserve our resources. Environmental technology is a great example of how science and God can go hand- in-hand. By using our knowledge of the earth we have through science, we can help protect God’s creation. If we continue this effort, we can make an incredible impact on the environment.

-Marisa (#8)


  1. I think the idea behind hybrid cars are amazing. Hopefully in the future all cars will be hybrid. Maybe most won't even run on gas. With the advent of green technology different cars of different magnitudes are all around us, cars fueled by water, ethanol gas, battery powered, etc. Gasoline seems to be on its way out of the motor world!

  2. Nissan is introducing their new cars that run by battery. This is even better for the Earth. I love how our greentech is becoming more eco-friendly. Hopefully in the future almost every type of technology will be more green. I think technology is a major part of our world. It's great that not only people are going green, but technology is now too.

  3. Green tech iss really something. How we have been able to come up with the techonology that woulud advance our lifestyles as well as help the planet. Hybrid cars are super great. The way that we were able to find a way to keep our car concepts but making it so ecofriendly is great. It would be great if we continue to go in this positive direction.

  4. Good job. Content is good. Would have like to see you give greater emphasis and discussion to what it means to really be one of God's stewards of the earth - to really practice stewardship by going green.
